Corona: EU measures update (29.03.2021)
(30 March 2021)
As a result of the rising Corona figures, several countries are taking measures to contain the virus. Below is an overview.
Risk areas
In recent days Germany has made a number of changes.
Tyrol (Austria) is no longer a virus risk area. Drivers are therefore not required to submit a negative test or to register.
France, the Czech Republic and Slovakia have been classified as high incidence areas.
Drivers must fill in the registration form. When in transit, they are exempted.
Drivers are also exempt from the negative test provided they stay in Germany for less than 72 hours.
England: testing requirements
From 6 April England (not the entire United Kingdom) is introducing additional testing requirements.
Drivers who stay longer than 48 hours in England have to be tested within two days after arrival.
For longer stays, an additional test must be taken every three days. For example: if the driver takes a test on day 1, the next test must be taken on day 4 and so on.
Drivers entering England from Ireland are exempt from the test requirement.
Drivers are required to keep themselves isolated in the cab throughout their stay. However, refueling, buying food, showering, toilet, etc. are still possible.
Drivers must fill in an online registration form before arrival.
Source: Febetra – update 29.03.2021